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Holiday Specials - Meditations and Journeys - CD's (shipped to you) *** SELECT ONE OR MORE OF THE PRODUCTS BELOW *** Be sure to enter the discount coupon when you checkout: 35OFF2023
  Product description Price
Manifesting with Metatron's Cube - Guided Manifestation Meditation with Ana Jones *** CD including shipping and handling ***
*** CD shipped to you *** This Recorded Conference Call with Rev. Ana Jones was held On The Blue Moon - Full Moon. Bonus mp3 audio recording (download) of the call and written handouts (download in pdf format) *** $15 per CD plus $3 Shipping and Handling/Postage and Packing; NO additional charges. ***
Empowerment Meditation with Ana *** CD including shipping and handling ***
*** CD shipped to you *** Let Ana guide you in this empowering meditation ... a simple, easy to use guided meditation to balance and empower you during these powerful changing times. It strengthens and expands your consciousness and facilitates a transformation of any of your blockages. *** $15 per CD plus $3 Shipping and Handling/Postage and Packing; NO additional charges. ***
Deep Relaxation Meditation with Ana *** CD including shipping and handling ***
*** CD shipped to you *** Let Ana guide you in this relaxation meditation ... this can be used for Quieting the Mind, Centering the Emotions, Renewing the Body, and Reconnecting to Spirit. It is a safe but powerful tool which will help you to decrease stress and increase healing. *** $15 per CD plus $3 Shipping and Handling/Postage and Packing; NO additional charges. ***
Angelic Ascension Journey *** CD including shipping and handling ***
*** CD shipped to you *** This is a guided meditation by Ana where she guides you on a Journey of Reconnecting with Paradise. *** $15 per CD plus $3 Shipping and Handling/Postage and Packing; NO additional charges. ***
Soul Journeys *** CD including shipping and handling ***
*** CD shipped to you *** Soul Journeys - Guided Meditations for Connecting with Your Angels and Spirit Guides by Rev. Ana Jones ... Each Soul Journey guided meditation helps you communicate with your higher guidance and bring back useful and practical insight into your daily life. Includes written instructions in pdf form and 4 audios: 1. Spirit Guide Journey instruction & Preparation, 2. Spirit Guide Journey, 3. Angelic Communion Instructions, 4. Angelic Communion Soul Journey. *** $15 per CD plus $3 Shipping and Handling/Postage and Packing; NO additional charges. ***
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